Al & Al’s Window Cleanings
Our Service
Window Cleaning
We charge 60$ an hour or a dollar a minute normaly can finish most smaller to medium sized houses in 1-2 hours. Only includes outside windows unless you tell us otherwise. We use a crew of 2 people per job and always try and maximize efficency. We also use professional grade tools and cleaning supplies.
Book an appointment
Will respond within one to two buisness day and you can describe how many windows of what size and we’ll give you a free estimate on pricing and time wich can then be booked with an hourly fee of 60$
More about
Al & Al’s
We are based in Minnetonka MN have been in the window cleaning buisness for 23 years and are a father and son duo with many employees. We look foward to working with you and helping you with cleaning your windows.
Contact Us
Interested in a window cleaning? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you! Generally will respond in 1-2 buisness days